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商品详细BD Biosciences/Oligo Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-49D/2 µl/940399
BD Biosciences/Oligo Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-49D/2 µl/940399
BD Biosciences/Oligo Rat Anti-Mouse Ly-49D/2 µl/940399
商品编号: 940399
品牌: bdbiosciences
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽合成
公司分类: peptide
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Product DetailsRecommended AssayReferences


The 4E5 monoclonal antibody specifically recognizes Ly-49D, which is expressed on subsets of natural killer (NK) cells in C57BL/6, C3H/He (at a very low frequency), and SJL, but not DBA/2, AKR, CBA/J, or BALB/c mice. Unlike Ly-49D antigen has not been betected on NK-1.1+ (or DX5+) T cells. In 129/J mice, the 4E5 antibody cross-reacts with Ly-49O, Ly-49R, and Ly-49V. The Ly-49 family of NK-cell receptors, members of the C-type lectin superfamily, are disulfide-linked type-II transmembrane protein homodimers with extracellular carbohydrate-recognition domains, which bind to MHC class I alloantigens. The Ly-49 family members are expressed independently, such that an individual NK or T cell may display more than one class of Ly-49 receptor homodimers. Ly-49D weakly binds to MHC class I antigens of the k halpotype, and Ly-49D+ IL-2-activated NK cells lyse target cells expressing H-2[a], H-2[b], H-2[d], H-2[k], H-2[p], H-2[q], and H-2[s] and the CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cell line. Ly-49D+ cells mediate allogenic resistance to H-2d bone marrow transplantation. In vitro studies suggest that the Ly-49D receptor mediates activation of NK-cell cytolytic activity via tyrosine phosphorylation of their ITIMs (Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Inhibitory Motifs). Molecular differences between the Ly-49D stimulatory receptor and the inhibitory members of the Ly-49 family include the absence of an ITIM in Ly-49D, the lack of phosphorylation of Ly-49D in activated NK cells, and the association of a novel tyrosine-phosphorylated protein (pp16) with Ly-49D in activated NK cells. Ly-49O and Ly-49V are closely related to Ly-49A[B6] and, like Ly-49A, have ITIM domains. Ly-49O- and Ly-49V-transfected 293T (human kidney epithelial) cells bind tetramers of H-2D[b], D[b], D[k], and L[d]. In addition, the Ly-49V-transfected cells also bind K[b], K[d], and K[k]. Ly-49R is closely related to Ly-49D[B6] and is putative activating receptor due to itslack of an ITIM domain. Ly-49R-transfected 293T cells bind soluble tetramers of H-2D[b], D[d], D[k], and L[d].

Application Notes

The antibody was conjugated to an oligonucleotide that contains an antibody clone-specific barcode (ABC) flanked by a poly-A tail on the 3" end and a PCR handle (PCR primer binding site) on the 5" end.The ABC for this antibody was designed to be used with other BD AbSeq oligonucleotides conjugated to other antibodies. All AbSeq ABC sequences were selected in silico to be unique from human and mouse genomes, have low predicted secondary structure, and have high Hamming distance within the BD AbSeq portfolio, to allow for sequencing error correction and unique mapping. The poly-A tail of the oligonucleotide allows the ABC to be captured by the BD Rhapsody™ system. The 5" PCR handle allows for efficient sequencing library generation for Illumina sequencing platforms.

NOTE:The BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis System must be used with the BD Rhapsody Express Instrument.

Suggested Companion Products

Stain Buffer (FBS) RUO 500mLCat No: 554656

Single-Cell Analysis SystemRUO 1EachCat No: 633701

Express Single-Cell Analysis System Package 1EACat No: 633707

Targeted mRNA and AbSeq Training Kit 4 Pack 1EACat No: 633772

Purified Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 (Mouse BD Fc Block™) 2.4G2RUO 0.1mgCat No: 553141

Purified Rat Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 (Mouse BD Fc Block™) 2.4G2RUO 0.5mgCat No: 553142

Preparation and Storage

Store undiluted at 4°C and protected from prolonged exposure to light.Do not freeze.The monoclonal antibody was purified from tissue culture supernatant or ascites by affinity chromatography and conjugated to BD AbSeq oligonucleotide under optimal conditions.

Product Notices

  1. This reagent has been pre-diluted for use at the recommended volume per test. Typical use is 2 µl for 1 × 10^6 cells in a 200-µl staining reaction.
  2. Source of all serum proteins is from USDA inspected abattoirs located in the United States.
  3. Caution: Sodium azide yields highly toxic hydrazoic acid under acidic conditions. Dilute azide compounds in running water before discarding to avoid accumulation of potentially explosive deposits in plumbing.
  4. The production process underwent stringent testing and validation to assure that it generates a high-quality conjugate with consistent performance and specific binding activity.However, verification testing has not been performed on all conjugate lots.
  5. Illumina is a trademark of Illumina, Inc.
  6. This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: US 8,835,358; US 9,290,808; US 9,290,809; US 9,315,857; US 9,567,645; US 9,567,646; US 9,598,736; US 9,708,659; and US 9,816,137.This product, and only in the amount purchased by buyer, may be used solely for buyer’s own internal research, in a manner consistent with the accompanying product literature. No other right to use, sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product, or (b) its components is hereby granted expressly, by implication or by estoppel. Diagnostic uses require a separate license.
  7. Please refer to http://regdocs.bd.com to access safety data sheets (SDS).
  8. Please refer to bd.com/genomics-resources for technical protocols.

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  4. Makrigiannis AP, Pau AT, Saleh A, Winkler-Pickett R, Ortaldo JR, Anderson SK. Class I MHC-binding characteristics of the 129/J Ly49 repertoire. J Immunol. 2001; 166(8):5034-5043.View reference

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  7. Mason LH, Willette-Brown J, Anderson SK, et al. Characterization of an associated 16-kDa tyrosine phosphoprotein required for Ly-49D signal transduction. J Immunol. 1998; 160(9):4148-4152.View reference

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  9. Ortaldo JR, Winkler-Pickett R, Mason AT, Mason LH. The Ly-49 family: regulation of cytotoxicity and cytokine production in murine CD3+ cells. J Immunol. 1998; 160(1):1158-1165.View reference

  10. Raulet DH, Held W, Correa I, Dorfman JR, Wu MF, Corral L. Specificity, tolerance and developmental regulation of natural killer cells defined by expression of class I-specific Ly49 receptors. Immunol Rev. 1997; 155:41-52.View reference

  11. Raziuddin A, Longo DL, Mason L, Ortaldo JR, Bennett M, Murphy WJ. Differential effects of the rejection of bone marrow allografts by the depletion of activating versus inhibiting Ly-49 natural killer cell subsets. J Immunol. 1998; 160(1):87-94.View reference

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